Thursday, September 8, 2011

My New Shoes

This post is rather belated as I actually got these shoes several weeks ago.
 My absolutely amazing sister recently began painting shoes and painted these for me. :-) I especially love how colorful they are as I really love bright colors as they make me feel so cheerful.
 I have always loved Eeyore and it was for awhile one of my nicknames as we have similar personalities (though I am not gloomy all the time!) So I really love my new shoes! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

   Ever since I got back from China earlier this summer, I set the goal for myself that I would read a book a week. Which in all actuality is not that difficult for me as a faster than average reader and with reading a book a week I still have plenty of time to watch movies, hang out with my friends and siblings, and do all those little everyday jobs that have to be done. Last week I was quite pleased with myself as I read TWO books Chosen by Ted Dekker and Graceling by Kristin Cashore. Just now I just finished this week's book. I Am Number Four by Pitticus Lore. 
While, I was excited to finally read this book as I had been waiting a while for it to come out in paperback, I honestly expected it not be that good. Mainly, though because I wasn't a hundred percent sure it was not written after the movie came out. Much to my surprise I actually really enjoyed this book. For one it was pretty fast paced and while you didn't find out all the secrets of John Smith and his guardian Henri right away you found out enough to keep you interested. My favorite character in the book though was John's beagle Bernie Koster... I know some people might be wondering why a dog was the most interesting character to me, but he actually had quite a character and was important to the plot line. I also was appreciative of the sad sort-of cliffhanger ending. I know I am weird that way but I love when books don't end all happy and perfect as I think that is not really realistic- especially books like this one where the main character is on the run and being hunted. While this book wasn't my original summer reading list, I am glad I got a chance to read it.
Now, to just start next week's book...